Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Magic Matt Bomer? Its White Collar Day!

Most people search their entire existence for the love of their life, I found mine in 2009 on Tuesday nights at 9pm on USA Network. Matt Bomer. Now I know most girls swoon over this new hottie, but I would like to go out on a limb and say that I was one of the firsts! The only problem with my super crush is that he happens to be gay, which is completely fine with me except for the fact that I know we will never be together. lol. My boyfriend had great joy in breaking this news to me in 2010 after photos leaked of him and his boyfriend. It is okay tho, I will continue to have my love affair with him on Tuesday nights and when ever my phone rings. Yes, my ring tone is him singing on Glee.

Well yesterday my best female friend from VA (yes it is important to classify- will explain at a later date) went to see Magic Mike. We waited so long only because she was in Ireland and then I was in New Jersey and we promised each other we would go together! While the movie was sub-par, the men in it were yummy. A couple of things I would have done different:
1. Cast a different female lead character. Cody Horn is a great actress just not for a leading role in a movie that I want to see.
2. Edit the movie differently. A lot of the dialogue seemed like it was un-scripted and un-edited. Then there were these super edited parts. It didn't flow very well.
3. Change the plot. Okay, not the entire plot, just some of the crucial parts. Loved the beginning, the middle was even good, but as the movie started to peak and then come to the conclusion it lost focus. It was like a great cheer routine and then the end dance is just choreographed so awful you can't possibly watch. They had Cody's characters brother go down this pathway of drug addiction and drama which they could have done with out. I guess it was crucial to show that stripping is not glamorous, however, I wish they had focused more on Mike's struggle of falling in love and leaving stripping instead of having it be more about the brother. And the entire time Mike discusses opening the furniture business and then he doesn't even do so at the end.... really? Common now, at least have a scene at the end of him hammering a table or something!

Anyway, it was worth the money to see the hot guys dance. Channing Tatum is an amazing dancer and not so bad on the eyes. Alex Pettyfer was great eye candy as well. Matthew McConaughey was creeptastic, sporting the tiniest of tiny man undergarments but is in great shape for an older actor. He actually was bumped from my "Top 5" a few years back so that Bomer would have a spot. They had Adam Rodriguez from CSI: Miami which is a favorite of mine, however I am very glad they chose him and not David Caruso. And for the older women they even had Joe Manganiello and Kevin Nash. To top it off even the producer Reid Carolin is good looking! But the star of my show was my main man Matt! At one point Tatum was standing in front of him and I found myself leaning to the right to see around him, only to remember I am in a movie theater, not an actual strip club! 

And to top it off, today is White Collar Day. The season premier of W.C. is tonight at 9pm! I cannot wait to see what Neal does now that he is running from the FBI! It is bound to be a great season! 

I look forward to writing about my trip this past weekend to NJ and my upcoming trip to Smith Mount Lake soon! For now I will leave you with some pictures:

The While Collar Cast 

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